Made 28.3.1635 Proved 23.5.1635
Transcribed by Carol Metcalfe from original documents available at the WYAS
In the name of God amen the twentie eight day of March 1635, I Willm Swalle of Bows in the countie of Yorke, yeoman weak but of good and perfect remembrance laud? and prayse be to all mightie god, doe ordayne and maike this my last will and testament in manner and firme following that is to say
First I give my Soulle to all mightie god throught Jesus Christ his blessed sonne my redemere and Sayvioure for he is my Soulvashon and ruzeariecketion in Soule and bodie And my will is that my body be buriyed in the churcheyeard at Kirkbymallzeard of Saint Andruwes
Item I give to Isybell Horsman my sester thirtie shillings within one yeare after my decease
Item I give to Ralfe Grange thirtie shillings to the use of my Sester Isabbell Horsman’s childrenge and to be equially devided amonnge them to be paid within one yeare after my decease
Item I give to Ralfe Grange fortie shillings to the use of Henery Swalle my brother Henery Swalle’s sonn and to be put forward everye yeare untill he com to the full age of one and twentie yeares thre shellings fower pence and to be due one yeare after my decease.
Item I give to Phelis Forthergill twentie shilling and to be paid at the end of one yeare after my decease.
Item I give to my brother Robart Swalle fortie sexe shillings eight pence to be paid at the end of one yeare next after my decease.
Item I give to Ralfe Grange fortie shillings to the use of Wilm Grange his sonn and to be put forward untill he come to the age of one and twentie yeares …………
Item I give to Ralfe Grainge twentie shillings to the use of Thomas Grange his sonn and to be put forward untill he com to the full age of one and twentie yeares according to the statif?
Item I give to my brother in law Willm Willson ten shillings and to be paid at the end of one yeare next after my deceasse.
Item I give to Thomas Horsman tenn shillings and to be paid at the end of one yeare next after my deceasse .
Item I give to Willm Horsman the sonn of Thomas Horsman five shillings and to be paid at the end of one yeare next after my deceasse
Item I give to Anne Wells the wyfe of Thomas Wells one shelling.
Item I give to Dorytie Dalley fower shellings.
Item I give to Elysabethe Stowtheriep? Ketherin Stubs and Frances Mounton every one of them twellf pence.
Item I give to Robart Mounton of Hutton two shellings.
Item I give to Ann Sr…..le the wife of John Sew?gd twelfe pence.
Item I give to Janatt Horner thre shillings
Item I give to Marye Beckwith one shilling.
Item I give to Thomas Grange, Johana Grange, ?Sarar? Grange everye one of them ?twelfe? pence.
And I maik Ralfe Jnr Grange my whole? and sole executor of this my last will and testament to paye my deits, legacies and funeriall expenses disscharged and paid, I give all the r….d of my goods moveable and unmoveable to Ralfe Grange
In wittnes whereof I have sette my hand and sealle the day and yeare first Above written
His ^ mke
William Swalle [marked]
In witnesse
Christofer Faber?
His + mke
Willm? S…
Francis Horsman