Made 7.4.1749 Proved 1750
Transcribed by Carol Metcalfe from original documents available at the WYAS
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Grainge of Castills within the parish of Kirkbymalzeard being infirm of body But of good and perfect mind and memory praised be allmighty God for the same do mack and ordain this my Last will and testament in manner and forme following first and princeapally I Commit my soul into the hands of Allmighty God that gave itt me hoping through the meritoreus Death and passion of Jesus Christ my onely saviour and Redeemer to Recive full pardon and Remission of all my sins and trancegretions and my Body I Commit to the Ground to be buried in decent manner by my Executor here after named and as touching my worldly Estate wherewithall itt haith pleased God to Bless me I Give and dispose of the same as followeth first my mind and great Desire is that my just debts and funarall Expence be paid and Discharged
Item I Give and bequeath unto Fransseas Grainge my wife five pound in the year in Leiu of her thirds or widdow Right to be paid forth of my Lands att Castills or Bowes Duering her Life the same to be paid by my Executor or his heirs or assighns
I Likewise Give unto my wife the Chamber in the East end of my house so Long as she continues my widdow with free Liberty to come thereto through my Dwelling house without the let or hindrance of my Executor or any other person whatsoever
I also Give unto my wife all the household Goods that was hers before I married her
Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Grainge my son one Close which I do now posses Called or Knowne by the name of Birlforth with a Lathe or Barne therein standing to him and his heirs and assighns for ever
Item I give and bequeath unto William Grainge my son thirty pounds to be paid unto him when hee shall attain unto the age of twenty one years my mind and will is that my Executor or his heirs or assighns shall find and provide for my son William Grainge all sorts of wearing apparrill Duering his apprenticeship
Item I give and bequeath unto John Grainge my son thirty pounds to be paid unto him when he shall attaine unto the age of twenty one years
Item I Give and bequeath unto Robert Graing my son thirty pounds to be aid unto him when he shall attain unto the age of twenty one years; my mind and will is that my Executor or his heirs or assighns shall keep and maintain my two sons John Grainge and Robert Grainge with meat Drink and all sorts of apparrill untill they Respettifly attaine unto the age of eighttien years
Item I Give and bequeath unto Mary Grainge my Daughter thirty pounds to be paid unto her when shee shall attaine unto the age of twenty one years, my mind and will is that if itt should Chance that Franseas Grainge my wife should be Die before my Daughter do attaine unto the age of eightien years that my Executor his heirs or assughns shall find and provide for her all sorts of apparrill and meat and drink untill shee do attaine unto the age of eighttien years
All the Rest of my houses Lands and personall estate of what nature kind or quality whatsoever I Give and bequeath unto Leonard Grainge his heirs and assigns for ever with that consideration that he the said Leonard Grainge his heirs or assighns shall pay all the ….porcions before mentioned but if hee the said Leonard his heirs or assighns shall Refuse or neglect to pay any of the above mon…. or Refuse to keep and mentaine any of my Children as before mentioned itt may and shall be Lawfull that any of my Childrin shall enter of any of my Lands att Castill and keep and passes? The same untill they or any them be fully satisfyd and paid
My mind and will is that if itt should Chance that William Grainge John Grainge Robert Grainge or Mary Grainge my sons and doughter should die before they or any of them do attaine the age of twenty one years the survivors shall Recive his her or their part or parts Eaquall amongst them
I do appoint Leonard Grainge my son sole Executor of this my Last will and testament butt untill hee do attaine the age of twenty one years I do appoint John Bearper my brother in Law Executor in trist? in witness hereof I have sett my hand and sealle the 7 day of aprill in the year of Lord 1749
Thomas Grainge [signs]
Sighnd seald publish and Declared by the within named Thomas Grainge to be his Last will and testament in the presence of us and by us Atested in his presence
Leonard Grainge [signs]
Francis Ploues [signs]
Daniell: Raynard [signs]