John BURRELL of Swetton 1705, Admon and Inventory

Carol Metcalfe

From Kirkby Malzeard parish registers:
Burial 1705/07/09 Burrel John hanged himself Sweeton

From Mashamshire wills and inventories during the York Minster visitation of 1705.
Original documents available at the Borthwick Institute, York:

Bond for the administration of the goods of John Burrel granted 2 October 1705 to Jane Burrel and William Abbot both of Kirkby Malzeard.

Inventory 9 July 1705
A true and perfect inventory of all the goods and chattels of John Burrell of Sweton in the parish of Kirkby Malzeard deceased, praised by Tho: Holdsworth, Gilbert Metcalfe, David Richmond and Richard Smith

Imprimis his purse and apparell £1 0 0

Item seaven kine [cattle] £13 0 0
One bull and one stear £3 5 0
Seaven twinters [two year olds] and seaven calfes £12 0 0
Two finger calfes [suckling calves] £0 6 8
One hundred and thirteen sheep £14 0 6
Two and twenty lambs £1 7 6
One mare and one gelding £4 10 0
One stagg £1 10 0
One little pigg £0 4 0

Three harrows £0 8 0
One old wayne [open four wheeled wagon] body and two cart bodys and three paire of wheeles £0 11 0
Foure plows, one coulter [iron block fixed in front of a plough share], one sock [ploughshare], three yoakes and three teames £0 13 0
One bolt and shackle and horse geare belonging plow and carts £0 1 6
One gavelock [iron crowbar], one range [carriage shaft], two shovels, one rack, two spades and two forkes £0 6 6
One hay sledge, one riding sadle, four old panels [soft saddles], one side sadle and one pillion seate £0 10 0

Two tables, one buffitt forme, one long setle, two chaires, another forme, one paire of tongs, one reckon [bar for suspending pots over the fire], 7 stooles, glasse case and glasses with other implements £0 16 6

In the kitchen: a broyling iron [gridiron], one fire shovel, one spit, one brass chafer dish [for keeping food warm], 2 brass ladles, 2 ketles, 3 pans, one brass pott and crookes [hook and chain hanging in kitchen chimney] and one frying pan £1 10 0

In the Parlor: One cupboard, one bed and bedding and hangings, 4 chaires, one little table, one desk, one little chist, six pewter dishes, two candlesticks, eight cushions, one pewter cann, one pewter plate, 2 pottingers [pots, mugs or cups], 2 sheets, 8 napkins and two pillowbears [pillow cases] £1 7 0

In the other Parlour: One bed and cloths thereon, one churne, two runlits [cask or vessel], a barell and one cheese trough £0 14 0

In the Chamber: One flog [flock] bed and bedding, 1 kimling [tub], a butter basket, one temse [sieve], one boyder [clothes basket], one pack sheet, foure old poakes [bags or sacks], a halfe bushel, a kepper, 3 sives and riddle with other hustlements [household items] £1 3 0

Item one falling table and one little plank, one and twenty bowles and a syke, 15 trenchers, two skeeles [wooden pails] and 3 piggins [milking pails], one stand and one creame pott, one lantern, one brasse mortar, 8 milk house shelves, a little beefe and bacon and foure hives of bees £1 5 0

Turfes and manure £0 2 6

In meadow and pasturing, hay and corne growing and the interest of a lease £26 0 0

Summe totall: £88 16 4

This John Burrell is mentioned in the will of William Grainge, who was his wife Jane’s uncle. It appears that in 1695 John owed William money, possibly almost £20.

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