Joseph Topham. Epitome dated 28th December 1882

Epitome of the Will of Mr Joseph Topham of Pateley Bridge.
Date 28th Dec’r 1882.
Transcribed by Sheila Douglas from documents held at NYCRO

Appoints Mary Topham, his wife
Richard Topham Verity of Pateley, Nephew
and William Pullan of Deer Ing, Dacre, Friend
Executors and Trustees of his Will

Gives his Wife All his Household furniture etc and other household effects absolutely

Gives £100 legacy to his Niece Elizabeth Garnett of Kendall
and £100 to his Nephew Peter Carter Verity (12 months)

Gives unto his Executors Richard Topham Verity and Wm Pullan
All his monies and other personal Estate Upon Trust to continue Securities
or invest Trust monies Upon the usual securities and after payment of
his debts etc, and the 2 legacies.

To pay his wife £80 a year during her life out of the annual income and
accumulate the residue of income. And after her decease Upon Trust
to divide the Trust monies, 5 equal shares.

Gives 3/5ths unto 3 Nephews Richard Stoney Topham, Robert Hardy Topham,
and George Topham equally
1/5th equally between his Nephews Richard Topham Verity, John Verity
and Joseph Topham Verity
Remaining 1/5th unto his Sister Mary Jane Hodgson
[Provisoes in case of death during his Widows life]

As to Real Estate
Devises Unto his 3 Trustees their heirs etc, Colbeck House where he resides
with premises adjoining. Colbeck Field occupied therewith
4 Cottages in Pullan’s Square, Shoulder of Mutton, Public House,
2 Houses and Shops in High Street occupied by Alfred Newbould
and one unoccupied (Lately by Brother George), Star Hotel occupied by
J. H. Peacock and J. T. Verity

Also 3 Allotments of Land on Bishopside Moor
1 (Douber Gill) containing 120 acres
1 containing 30 acres, and
1 containing 20 acres near to Brownstay Ridge
Also Close of Land and Cottages at Church Green, near the Cemetery
2 Closes called the Bank

Upon Trust for Mrs Topham for her life (she keeping them in repair and insured)
After her Death Colbeck House and Field, 4 Cottages in Pullan’s Square
and Shoulder of Mutton
To his Nephew Richard Stoney Topham in fee
Star Hotel and 2 Closes called the Banks

To his Nephew George Topham
The Allotment containing 120 acres

Unto his 3 Nephews Richard Stoney Topham, Robert Hardy Topham
and George Topham in fee, as Tenants in Common,
Dwelling House in High Street occupied by Alfred Newbould

Unto Nephew Richard Topham Verity,
Copyhold House, Shop & premises lately occupied by Peter Pearse
and then unoccupied (formerly by his Brother George)

Unto his Nephew John Verity of Scarborough
Allotment containing 30 acres

To his Nephews Richard Topham Verity and John Verity
in fee asTenants in common.
Allotments containing 20 acres and Closes, Cottages Barn etc
at Church Green near Cemetery
Unto his Nephew Joseph Topham Verity in fee

Devises unto his 3 Trustees
All his Freehold Farm known as Sykes Grange in Fountains Earth
occupied by Christopher Simpson
Upon Trust for his 2 Sisters Susannah Topham and Ann Topham
for their lives & the survivor.

Remainder To His Nephew Robert Hardy Topham in fee

Devises to his trustees
All those 2 farms at Dallowgill
Upon Trust for his Brother John Topham and his 2 Sisters
Mary Jane Hodgson and Harriet Topham for their lives and the last survivor.

To his 2 Nephews William Hodgson and Richard Hodgson
(Sons of Sister Mrs Hodgson) in fee as Tenants in Common,
but if they both die under 21 without Issue, Then,

To Sisters Harriet Topham and Mary J Hodgson equally in fee

Usual Clauses for compounding Debts
Receipts and Appointment of new Trustees

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