Thomas HAUXBY of Lamb Close House, 1699, Inventory

Inventory of Thomas HAUXBY of Lamb Close House dated 1699
Transcribed by Sheila K Douglas

A true and perfect Inventory of all
the Goods, Chattels, Credits & Debts
belonging to Thomas Hauxby of Lamb Close House
w’thin the Parish of Kirkby malzeard and County
of Yorke yeond late dec’ed and appraised by us
whose names are hereund’r written the six?
and Twentieth day of Aug’t in y’e: Eleaventh
year of his Majesties Reigne (y’t: now is) in the
yeare of our Lord God 1699

Impris his purse and his apparrell £05 00s 00d

Itm one bedstead with beding thereunto belonging £02 00s 00d

Itm one cupboard and table i pannell Chest one forme three buffitt Stooles
and one other Plank forme £01 03s 04d

Itm one brass pott & i warming pann £00 05s 00d

Itm five little pewt’r dishes on tankard one Salt i bottle and
2 potting’rs etc? £00 07s 00d

Itm one other bedstead & i little table £00 08s 00d

Itm one Kimlin with Shelves & other Small Houslam’s? £00 06s 00d

Itm one old Cart £00 10s 00d

Itm one little fowling peele? £00 05s 00d

It one little mare £03 00s 00d

It 47 Ewes and 21 Lambs £09 17s 08d

It 215 weath’d sheep and tuppes £58?15s 00d

It hay in severall barnes £06 00s 00d

It in wooll £09 15s 00d

Debts owing to y’e: dece’d

owing by Peter Burgis £20 00s 00d

It by John Coltright £01 05s 00d

It by Jno. Dalley £00 12s 06d

It by Geo. Hutchinson £00 10s 00d

Itm by William Relton £05 00s 00d

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