William GRAINGE of Bowes 1695, Will

Made 12.4.1695 Proved 26.10.1695
Transcribed by Carol Metcalfe from original documents available at the WYAS

In the Name of God amen the twelth day of April in the seaventh yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord King William the third, by the grace of god over England, in the yeare of our Lord god 1695, I William Grainge of Bowes in Dalleygill within the County of York yeoman beinge weake and infirme in body but sound in mind and of good and perfect memory praised be Almighty god for the same but calling to mind the transitory life here on earth and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please god to call and beinge desireous to satle things in order before I leave this world, doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in maner and forme following, first and principally I commit my soule to god my Maker hopeinge that thorow the meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my saviour and redeemer to receive free pardon and free remission of all my sins, and my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in such Christian and decent maner as to my Executors here after named shall be thought mete and convenient and as to my worldly estate I give and dispose the same as followeth

Imps I give and bequeath unto Jane Burrill my neece all the moneys owne to me by John Burrill hir husband and the sume of forty shillings more.

Item I give and bequeath unto Susana Grainge the sum of twenty pounds.

Item I give and bequeath unto Ellin Grainge my nece the sume of twenty pounds.

Item I give and bequeath unto Susana Grainge the daughter of Leonard Grainge the sum of Tenn pounds to be paid by my executors when she shall accomplish the age of twenty one years and the legacies above exprest at the end and expiration of one whole yeare next after my decease.

Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Grainge my brother and to Leonard Grainge his son my nephew all that my farme lyinge and beinge at Bowes in Dalleygill and all other my farming holden by lease under the Right Hon. Lord Earle of Darby with singular my right title and tenant right thereunto belonginge or in any wise appertaininge, and all my personall estate of what nature or quallitie soever the same be of to enter to and of the same the fifteenth day of Aprill next, upon condicon that they the said Thomas and Leonard shall enter securitie to me to pay or cause to be paid unto me yearely and every yeare dureinge my naturall life, the sum of ten pounds of lawfull English money at Martinmise and Mayday by equall portions.

Item all the rest of my goods unbequeathed after my debts paid and funeral expences dischargd I give unto Thomas Grainge and Leonard Grainge whome I doe make and ordaine joint executors of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written

William Grainge [marked]

Sealled published and declayred in the presence of us

John Beckwith [signed]

Thomas Holdsworth [signed]

Jos: Russell [signed]

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